As we journey through life, our bodies undergo various changes, and our eyes are no exception. Vision changes with age are a natural part of the aging process, and understanding these changes can help maintain optimal eye health and vision quality as we grow older. Join our Lifetime Vision Care team as we explore common vision changes that occur through the aging process, tips for managing these changes, and how to preserve eye health.

Understanding Age-Related Vision Changes:

  • Presbyopia: One of the most common age-related vision changes is presbyopia, which typically becomes noticeable in our 40s. Presbyopia occurs when the lens of the eye gradually loses its flexibility, making it difficult to focus on close objects. As a result, tasks like reading, sewing, or using a smartphone may become challenging without the aid of reading glasses or bifocals.
  • Reduced Contrast Sensitivity: Aging can also affect our ability to distinguish between shades of color and contrast. This decrease, in contrast, sensitivity can make it more difficult to see objects clearly, especially in low-light conditions or situations with poor contrast, such as driving at night, reading in dimmer light, or even watching a movie in low-light settings.
  • Dry Eyes: Aging can lead to changes in tear production and composition, resulting in dry eyes. Symptoms of dry eye syndrome can vary but may include a gritty or burning sensation, redness, excessive tearing, and sensitivity to light. Managing dry eye symptoms may require the use of artificial tears, lifestyle modifications, or prescription medications. If you have extreme dry eyes we recommend stopping by our Bend, Oregon vision center.
  • Increased Risk of Eye Conditions: As we age, the risk of developing certain eye conditions also increases. These include cataracts, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and diabetic retinopathy. Regular eye exams in Bend, Oregon are essential for detecting eye conditions early on, treating them promptly and efficiently, and preventing vision loss.

Tips for Managing Age-Related Vision Changes:

  • Schedule Regular Eye Exams: Routine Bend, Oregon eye exams are crucial for monitoring changes in vision and detecting eye conditions early. Our optometrists can assess your eye health and recommend the appropriate frequency for eye exams based on your current vision status, age, overall health, and other risk factors.
  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids can support eye health and reduce the risk of age-related eye conditions. Regular exercise, staying hydrated, and avoiding smoking can also contribute to overall eye health.
  • Use Proper Lighting: Adequate lighting is essential for reducing eye strain and improving visibility, especially for close-up tasks like reading or sewing. Give your eyes a helping hand by having ample lighting when completing tasks that are strenuous on your eyes.
  • Protect Your Eyes: Wear sunglasses with 100% UV protection when outdoors to shield your eyes from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. UV exposure can increase the risk of cataracts, AMD, and other eye conditions. Additionally, wear protective eyewear when participating in activities that pose a risk of eye injury, such as sports or home improvement projects.
  • Follow Your Eye Doctor’s Recommendations: If you have been diagnosed with an age-related eye condition, follow your local eye doctor’s recommendations for treatment and management. This may include using prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, taking medications as prescribed, or undergoing surgical interventions.

As we age, our eyes undergo various changes that can affect vision quality and eye health. By understanding these changes and taking proactive steps to maintain eye health, we can minimize the impact of age-related vision changes and enjoy clear vision for years to come. Remember to schedule regular eye exams at Lifetime Vision Care, adopt a healthy lifestyle, protect your eyes from UV exposure and injury, and follow your Bend, Oregon optometrist’s recommendations for optimal eye health and vision. You don’t have to navigate aging and your eye health alone. Schedule your consultation today![/vc_column_text][/vc_column]


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