lvc contact lens care essential hygiene and safety tips

Contact Lens Care: Essential Hygiene and Safety Tips

Contact lenses offer a convenient and comfortable alternative to glasses for millions of people worldwide. However, proper hygiene and safety practices are essential for maintaining healthy eyes and preventing complications associated with contact lens wear. Join us as we dive into best practices for contact lens wear and care diving into topics like hygiene and safety tips to ensure optimal eye health and comfort.

1. Wash Your Hands Thoroughly:

In the world we live in today common practices are sometimes overlooked because we’re in a hurry or have too much going on. It’s important to remember that even the most mundane steps like washing and drying your hands before inserting or removing contact lenses is crucial to avoid inserting dirt, germs, and more into your eyes. We recommend avoiding using moisturizing soaps or oily cosmetics, as they can leave residues on your fingers and transfer to your lenses, leading to discomfort and potential eye infections.

2. Follow the Recommended Replacement Schedule:

If you’re new to contact lenses your optician will recommend a replacement schedule for your contact lenses. If you’re familiar with them you’ll already know what schedule you’re on (bi-weekly or monthly). It’s essential to adhere to these schedules because overwearing lenses beyond their intended duration can lead to eye infections, and other compromising eye issues.

3. Clean and Disinfect Your Lenses Properly:

Clean and disinfect your contact lenses as directed by your eye care professional at Lifetime Vision Care. Use only recommended lens solutions and follow the instructions carefully. When storing your contact lenses we recommend avoiding tap water and saliva as they can contain harmful bacteria that could be damaging to the eyes.

4. Replace Your Lens Case Regularly:

Replace your contact lens case every three months or as recommended by your eye care provider. Rinse your case with lens solution after each use, and allow it to air dry upside down to prevent bacterial growth. Be sure to be mindful of your case care and make sure the case is clean and in good condition before storing lenses. If you notice the case is compromised it’s best practice to replace it to ensure the integrity of the case and to protect your lenses effectively when stored.

5. Avoid Sleeping or Swimming with Lenses:

We know the days are busy and often times the last thing you want to do at night is one more extra step in your routine. But rest assured, we have your best interest at hear when we advise on removing contact lenses before sleeping. Sleeping with lenses increases the risk of corneal ulcers and other serious complications. Additionally, we recommend the removal of contact lenses before swimming. Leaving contact lenses in during swimming can expose your eyes to waterborne bacteria and microorganisms.

6. Attend Regular Eye Exams:

Schedule regular eye exams in Bend, Oregon with your optometrist to monitor your eye health and ensure your contact lenses fit properly. Your eye care provider can assess your vision, evaluate the condition of your corneas, and recommend any necessary adjustments to your contact lens prescription or wearing schedule.

7. Carry a Backup Pair of Glasses:

Our general rule of thumb is to always have a backup plan and in this case, a backup pair of eyeglasses. Glasses provide a safe and convenient alternative for vision correction when your eyes need a break from contact lens wear or in case of emergencies.

8. Pay Attention to Symptoms of Eye Irritation or Infection:

Be vigilant for signs of eye irritation or infection, such as irritation, redness, itching, pain, discharge, or blurred vision. If you experience any of these symptoms, remove your contact lenses immediately and consult your eye care professional for further evaluation and treatment. Vision emergencies in Bend, Oregon can and do happen and we’re here to help when they do!

Following these best practices when wearing contact lenses can help your contact journey to be enjoyable and comfortable. Enjoy clear vision while minimizing the risk of eye infections and complications. Remember to prioritize hygiene, adhere to recommended replacement schedules, and attend regular eye exams to maintain optimal eye health. Proper care and attention regarding your contact lenses can enhance your quality of life and provide clear, comfortable vision for years to come. If you’re interested in contacts, have questions about your current contacts, or you’re experiencing a vision emergency in Bend, Oregon don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule an appointment at Lifetime Vision Care.

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